Lokel Store Logo
Lokel store logo
Lokel store logo

Terms of service

If you see anything you feel is inappropriate on LOKEL.store please contact us at [email protected].

LOKEL.store allows transactions to occur on or off of our platform. We are not the merchant of record for any purchases. All purchases can be made either through our site by credit card using our payment processing provider which pays merchants directly to their accounts, or paid for in the store when you come and pick the item up. Merchants can choose to offer shipping, curbside pickup or in store shopping or a combination of all three. Orders shipped to a customer would need to be paid for through our site. Curbside pickup can be either prepaid through our site or paid for in/at the store at the time of pickup.

For purchases processed on LOKEL.store through our payment processor a 5% fee will be taken out of the final sale price of the item including shipping costs and excluding sales taxes. A monthly fee of $29.99 will be charged for any merchants listing more than 10 items or services on their home page. For merchants that have more than $599.80 in monthly sales the $29.99 monthly fee will be waived on a prorated basis. The fee will be taken out at the time of purchase on our website with the balance of funds going to the merchants Stripe payment processing account. If the $599.80 sales threshold is not met the balance of the $29.99 monthly fee will be charged to the merchants credit card on file.

Sellers cannot post products that are illegal or inappropriate to the categories we currently support on our site. If there is an appropriate category missing from our catalog, please contact us at [email protected].

All products, services and store content, prices, and images coming from the sellers are the responsibility of the sellers. We do not verify its authenticity or accuracy of representation which is the responsibility of the merchant. Merchants can be contacted directly through LOKEL.store, through their own email or phone number or in person by dropping by their physical location to resolve issues and clarify what they are offering and any warranty information if not stated on our site.

We may remove any listing at any time and ban sellers or customers at our discretion if inappropriate content is posted. We will however reach out and try to resolve the issue before a ban takes place if we feel the offense was due to a misunderstanding of these Terms of Service. Banning is not necessarily permanent unless repeated breaches of these Terms of Service occur.

Accessing LOKEL.store in any malicious way, such as implementing a Denial of Service attack or pulling information from this site to resell is not allowed.

Buyers of goods and services can post reviews of merchants and products on LOKEL.store. We reserve the right to not post or remove reviews that we deem inappropriate or not conducive to the purpose of this site. Sellers cannot rate themselves, or their own products or services.

Listings of stores and goods or services will be displayed which are closest to the customer. If a product or merchant of a service, item or brand is not available nearby a customer, other options may be displayed which could be outside of a customer’s local area and are selected as shippable items by the merchant or if a service is provided by the merchant in the customers area even if the merchant is a significant distance away.